School with Soul


Special Education for Gifted Children

The Special Education umbrella includes both ends of the Bell curve. It covers the educational needs of children two/ three standard deviations below and  two /three standard deviations above the norm. In the pubic school system, effort is made to help the children with learning disabilities- students at the lower side, but rarely is there any programming made available for the gifted, bright students.
Many educators still believe that gifted children are intelligent, so they don't need special programming or help. They are mistaken. Gifted children are often working far below their capacity and ability. Gifted students often become "little teachers" or the teacher's helper, and often don't have any intellectual challenges or stimulation. These are the children who find school dull and repetitive. Gifted boys often become the class clowns and gifted girls often dummy down their talent so they can fit in with a popular peer group.
If this is your child something can be done......

Is the education provided to your child the best that it can be?

What should an excellent school program include?

This book takes you on an exploration of a school environment that can and should be available to every child in the world.

The book discusses intellectual ideas that make learning fun.

But more than just intellectual fun, it explores physical, financial, emotional and spiritual ideas and concepts that all children should have in The Ultimate School Experience: A School With Soul.

Many of these ideas will encourage and stimulate adults to explore areas of their own self-development and sense of adventure, as we are never too old to learn something new! Learn more about why you should purchase this book.

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The Ultimate School Experience: A School with Soul

Read a Sample Chapter

Read this chapter to learn about the importance of your child's emotional intelligence.

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  Helene Giroux | Author

Helene Giroux, a recognized educational strategist and author is often available for presentation speaking.


The Ultimate School Experience - a book about Special Education for Gifted Children.


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