School with Soul


Rate Your School Program

What is an ultimate school experience? It is a school that delivers a curriculum with value. It is a school that your children are excited to go to every day. It is a school that recognizes the talents and abilities of your child and encourages the development of that ability - whether it be academic, emotional or physical in nature. Do you feel that your child/children are in a "high value" school program? Do this short assessment to determine the level of the school program being delivered to your child. Select a value of 0-5 on each of the following statements:

1. My school has high expectations and goals for their students.

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. There is a warm and personal feel to the school.

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3. My school focuses on the students and their needs.

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4. The leadership in the school is strong and the school has a vision.

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5. The facility is clean and bright.

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6. The staff appears friendly and cheerful.

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7. The teachers are highly trained and update their education frequently.

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8. The teacher to student ratio is very low ( no more than 1:20).

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9. The course work is challenging and exciting for my child.

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10. There are special classes for the gifted and students with learning difficulties.

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11. The teacher has high academic expectations for all their students.

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12. There are more than just the "basics" taught in my child's school.

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13. Students are asked what classes they would like to take. There are options.

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14. The school staff knows all the students by name.

0 1 2 3 4 5

15. My child's teacher is very accessible for meetings.

0 1 2 3 4 5


The Ultimate School Experience - a book about Special Education for Gifted Children.


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